Caspian Construction Week: Cooperation for Sustainable Development

Caspian Construction Week: Cooperation for Sustainable Development

17 october 2024 0000

On October 16, the “Caspian Construction Week” concluded at the Baku Expo Center, bringing together four prestigious exhibitions. Within the framework of the Caspian Construction Week, the “4th Azerbaijan International Reconstruction, Restoration, and Development of Karabakh Exhibition " (Rebuild Karabakh), the “29th Azerbaijan International Construction Exhibition” (BakuBuild), the “16th International Exhibition for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Water Supply, Sanitation, and Swimming Pools” (Aquatherm Baku), and the “12th Caspian International Exhibition on Road Infrastructure and Public Transport” (Road&Traffic) took place.

An important indicator of the significance of this major event in the region's construction sector was the address by the President of Azerbaijan to the participants of the “4th Azerbaijan International Reconstruction, Restoration, and Development of Karabakh Exhibition " – Rebuild Karabakh. In this document, the head of state emphasized the importance of the Caspian Construction Week as a prestigious event in the field of construction and infrastructure. President Ilham Aliyev's address was announced at the official opening ceremony of the Caspian Construction Week, published in the exhibition catalog, and posted on the official website.

The President noted that this year's Rebuild Karabakh exhibition is rich in innovations in terms of content. It coincides with the "Year of Solidarity for a Green World" and the international event COP29. The Rebuild Karabakh exhibition aims to achieve a common goal with this prestigious initiative—cooperation for sustainable development. To support the restoration and reconstruction efforts in the liberated territories, exhibition participants donated funds to the Karabakh Revival Fund.

Caspian Construction Week united significant events and gathered companies from the construction industry from various countries around the world. The presented exhibits and discussion topics summarized restoration and construction works, solidarity, and ecological sustainability. Hundreds of companies from many countries not only showcased products, services, and innovations but also familiarized themselves with the region's business potential, discovering new opportunities for collaboration.

Many foreign exhibitors positively noted the joint participation of the public and private sectors in the exhibition, which provided prospects for implementing new projects and further expanding business opportunities. The collaboration established during the exhibition and the discussions held underscored the successful international efforts in the restoration of Karabakh.

The rich exhibition potential and the highly professional work of the organizers served as an effective advertisement for most foreign guests. Many entrepreneurs, specialists, and representatives of foreign companies highlighted the benefits and prospects of Azerbaijani exhibitions in conversations with journalists, expressing their confidence in participating with their own stands in future events.

During the exhibition days at the Baku Expo Center, zones were organized to attract visitors' attention. In particular, the "Karabakh - Land of Carpet Weaving" zone, reflecting the history and cultural values of Azerbaijan, drew great interest with its rich national ornamentation of Karabakh carpets. To ensure the integration of children with developmental disabilities into society, an exhibition titled "Karabakh through the Brush of the Special" was organized by the charity society "Ümid Var."

The event was organized by "Caspian Event Organisers," "Iteca Caspian," and their international partners "ICA Events" and "Caspian Event Management FZ-LLC."